Monday afternoons mean motivation time! Drop by (virtually) to learn practical strategies for enhancing resilience in 45 minutes or less. These virtual wellbeing lounges are open to AdventHealth physicians and APPs in CFD-S.
Click here join the Virtual Wellbeing Lounge on Teams, then select the Monday Motivation channel and choose the meeting you would like to attend.
March 13 & 20 | 12:15—12:45pm
Self-Care: The Six Dimensions of Wellness
Take charge of your well-being with our upcoming workshop on Self-Care: The Six Dimensions of Wellness. In this workshop, participants will have interactive discussions and discover how to create a more balanced and fulfilling life through exploration of self-care strategies that address the Physical, Occupational, Social, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual (P.O.S.I.E.S.) aspects of life.
June 12 & 19 | 12:15—12:45pm
Building Resilience through Distress Tolerance
Discover the power of resilience with our upcoming workshop on building resilience through distress tolerance. In this workshop, participants will have interactive discussions and learn distress tolerance skills and techniques to cope with some of life's challenges and setbacks.
November 6 & 13 | 12:15—12:45pm
Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
Learn how to be kinder to yourself and unleash your full potential through self-compassion. In this workshop, participants will have interactive discussions and learn practical tools and techniques for cultivating self-compassion.